We are lucky enough to have a fantastic team of people working here,
we’re proud of every single one of them
Chris Wendler Mark Harrington Oris Wentworth Prem K. Viswanath Michael Oliver
Gerardus Dirks Saskia Rau Delina Alwanger Juliet Drozdz Merle Petersen Elsabe Booyens
Liv Eklund Ariadne van Zandbergen Margaret Courtney-Clarke Meike-Berit Bradenhurst
Nicky Williams Barbara Boast-Blaettler Derynne Mchardy Tracy Salvadori Linleigh Anderson
Mario Malpica Patron Charlotte Beauvoisin Christine Lamberth Raul Dederichs
Johann Lombard Richard Coke Alan McSmith
Leon Leibovitch Geraldine Lai Shireen Dew Adnan Mordeniz Jedrzej Marzecki