…you visit a place that talks to you. Be it the tranquillity and surroundings or the vibe and the experience, you’re bound to have experienced a few places that are more special than others are. They hold a special place in your heart and you are always happy to return there.

While walking across Africa early in 1983, I visited many places that talked to me. Towns and farms alike appealed to me. Be it the people, the place or the experiences I had, I will always hold some dearer than others.

And then, there is that one that stands out above all the others. A place your heart longs to visit again, you remember intimately and picture it regularly… in vibrant colour and vivid detail. This is the one place that you return to in your mind when the going gets tough. I found such a place’s during my walk!

The more time I spent on my special place, the more I fell in love with it… and tried to think of ways to extend my stay indefinitely. But, sadly I had to leave, and continued my journey to the other end of Africa… but vowed that I will return ‘home’ one day… soon. Well, I am sitting now on the very deck where I first looked out across the plains of Morong and feel totally peaceful. Every last bit of stress has left my body, every negative thought has disappeared, and I am completely content. This definitely is ‘that special place’.

I write this aimed mainly at those who every year pack their bags, cars or trailers and head to the same place they went the previous year. The same week, same hotel or lodge, same route to & from, and same experiences. Yes, it is nice to return to the comfort zone and see those great folks you met last time again, but by travelling to a variety of places and experiencing more, you may just find that that wasn’t your ideal place…

Escape the masses and try something new… you may be surprised.

Yours sincerely

Chris Wendler